Solar Eclipse
Thread Topic: Solar Eclipse
Fine until I took a taxi home
That mf drove like he was practicing drifting with me in the trunk
Almost died going on a spedbump 😂
bro rlly took “ohio” to the next level 💀
glad ur alive and in one piece LMAO :’) -
Hello espie
Don’t be too sure I have to taxi again tomorrow 😔
Wanna get drivers Ed but my school makes it impossible -
And I’m only tryna get it bc my dad is forcing me ):
@egg, hey howdy hi :D wsp?
@quiz, that’s pretty sad bro
just don’t die, people abiding by the laws of ohio are goofy af -
I've been dragging myself through highschool
that’s sad, I wish I could be dragged with u lmao
is there anything interesting in ur high school u can at least focus on? 👀 that tends to help me sometimes lmfao -
Can I post a pic here rq lmao 😂
Basically what happened -
bro I’m stalking my first thread and I’m dying at the fact that
1. excited newb
2. excited newb
3. excited newb
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