Little by Little
Thread Topic: Little by Little
I like fillet nomininon (can't say it nor spell it so imma go with that) and ribeye -
Fillet minionnominom
Fillet nomininmoninmonim
Fillet nomionionomniomnion
Does not work
Fillet nominimominmon -
8 more posts to page 100 :0
Ooh :0
Will you throw a party? -
Perhaps >:)
I am the stutter. I am the pause.
I am the gap between the words that are difficult to say >:) -
I love thatttt
Ty <3
It do be beautiful tho
I've never had a filet mignon
The only reason I know how to spell it is because I watch Hell's Kitchen with subtitles lol
I thought it was "Flame en Yon" for the longest time
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