Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life stronger.
Thread Topic: Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life stronger.
idk how it is with you. you probably have it better.
I always think "wow maybe if I had a healthy family maybe I would've came out okay"
or "what if we didn't live in terrible conditions, would we all had stress free lives?"
god I hate the holidays bc I know our family isn't going to do anything special.
im so jealous
lmaooo I have they random high right now
was legit mopey not long ago xD
I don't have the energy for all nighters anymore but heck if I did, I would stay up
My pretty gif expired :(
had another dream about you
this is how much it hurts lol.. how much I miss you.
journaling my feelings and everything that goes on in my life on this site has always been my outlet. I wonder what's yours?
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