Ripper's Edge
Thread Topic: Ripper's Edge
Sorry, was I interrupting?
No. Not really.
I just wasn't expecting that, and I didn't know how to respond. -
I understand that
How are you??
I'm alive. Not alright. Don't want to talk about it.
But, how are you doing? -
I so wish someone would make that account for me. I'm too afraid that this laptop might track me if I do it on here, but I just want to have it before I forget.
I'll do it
Well, if you don't have Quotev so you can tell me the password, I can't do that.
I have discord
Oof. Power went out.
Don't have discord anyway. -
My bar is yellow again.
I picked the cutest glasses. Now, I just need to set an appointment.
There are, like, three guys who wanna get with me, but they all seem too eager. I'm not likin' it. If they ask me, I'm saying "no".
I just don't feel it for them, anyway. -
Am leaving.
Let it Rip!
I can't believe nobody claimed this sooner.
Am I a total weeb for doing this?
Oh, yes I am.đź–¤
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