Ripper's Edge
Thread Topic: Ripper's Edge
What is life even for?
Does anyone even eat lunch whenever it's 12:00pm for them?
I want to cry, but not necessarily because I'm sad.
I'm actually grateful, comforted.
Tyler does his best for me, I know, and I could never ask for more. I have no reason to ask for more. He does so much just to make sure I'm okay, and I appreciate that a lot.
I don't need him to be here every second of my life,even if I'd love that. What he does, the way he does, is more than enough for me.đź–¤ -
I'm hurting, but overwhelmed with something I can't express--something comforting, and so, I guess I'll be okay.
I will try to eat lunch. -
Lunch wasn't too great.
I haven't found my page.
I'm not feeling too accomplished today. -
Days are hard. Nights are long. Doesn't feel worth it, off the top of my head.
sorry if i'm intruding
You're not.
how are you?
Not too well.
You? -
any reason why?
same, to be honest -
I woke up as a paranoid handful today.
I hope you feel better, whatever's bothering you. -
ah, that's understandable. i hope the day turns well
thanks, but i've always got stuff bothering me
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