Spice Rack 2
Thread Topic: Spice Rack 2
*picks up Emo and hugs* Soft :3
You've stolen my height >:0 -
*meows* I am a cat. I am not supposed to be tall.
Yes! I shall use your hight to smite the sun >:D
*meows* :3
*alarmed Spocey noises* My sun D:
I wish to fight the sunĂ·
Spice I have a radiation zone so I don't think you will be able to hug me
What has the sun done to you, little one?
It reminds me of the Radiance and she was a b----
*meows* yeah little one?
What kind of god kills off an entire civilisation just because some decided to not worship her anymore?
Brycen, if I die hugging you sO bE iT
*hugs Bry* -
Oh i did i ATE that b---- moth
Can I help?
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