Spice Rack 2
Thread Topic: Spice Rack 2
Angel said the same to me, which confused me greatly.
June is pregnant omg ❤
Gotta suggest bby names -
Spoooce rrrrrrppppp im boooored
Alrighty do but I have no energies so my replies will s u c k
We don't know for sure what it is
p 3
p -
Still I gotta flood you with names >:0
did i tell you i got a new snail? -
Oh my goodness, you didn't :0
What's the new shell bby like? -
Its the same speices but its orange instead of brown
I named it tootsie roll to go along with Hershey -
That's the cutest name omg 😭 -
Some of y'all are being really weird
My carp are anime characters and my snails are chocolates
And my bettas where all named after gods -
What if you get a frog, like a massive frog
My mother got African dwarf frogs and made me take care of them, but they died because i had no idea how to care for them
Big billy frog
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