Spice Rack 2
Thread Topic: Spice Rack 2
Does he have total colour blindness or just partial?
Mahi: cute dolphiny girl
Mahi has ginger hair and gray blue eyes. She messes around sometimes in a big dolphin suit, but otherwise is usually found with a gray blue shirt and short jeans on. She's very playful and often does things to benefit the environment. -
I would say partial. He can tell that the colors are different, but he doesn't see them the way we do.
Fun fact: A word spelled something like "Mantapruesse" popped up in my dictionary at random so I decided to use it.
One sec lemi grab something
Am intrigued
Looks about right
A bat flew in circles around me and the squad. If that isn't Halloweeny, idk what is.
Oh, spooky.
My friend threw rocks in the air so the bat would dive at them, it was pretty cool -
So anyway, how are ya?
Good. And you?
Same here. Just being hyped up for the Spoopy Events đź‘»
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