Spice Rack 2
Thread Topic: Spice Rack 2
My brain is better than the best computer and I use it to browse memes. Lovely.
Whenever someone compliments me, I just 👁👄👁
I have bad social skills teehee :3 -
I remember on Halloween, I made an entire paper pumpkin costume, with slippers to boot. Man, I loved that thing.
*slams head into desk*
If I ever say I want to do a voice reveal, slap me and say "No, Spice, no!" or I will barrel into a cringefest of my own creation.
What if we want to hear your beautiful voice? ;-;
You haven't even heard it yet xD
I've always liked singing, but I might not be ready to share my voice with everyone yet ^-^ -
That’s ok. Don’t feel pressured or anything
Yes. Was for you. I'm here and not here. Huge storm blew through, so running damage control
Oh no. I hope you're okay, zilla!
I'm fine. The trees and such aren't
Oof. Poor trees :c
Yeah. Poor trees
I hope you'll be safe out there!
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