Ranting Thread
Thread Topic: Ranting Thread
And they're whining more than ever
I had two cousins that were like that. Always fighting. It caused my aunt and uncle to fight because of it. Eventually, they just gave up and it was their OLDER SIBLINGS who got them to stop.
I think i just saw a ghost.
That sounds like me and my older sister when we're left at home with them and my mom has to stop them by scaring everyone
I'm sorry. Maybe it'll just take some time, and they'll stop on their own?
That's what made it worse
What did?
Leaving them alone
Oh..Maybe they got worse for the attention?
No we left them in there for 2 hours
Hey Rayne? I know it's a bit late and all, but please try to refrain from ranting about things that happen between you and your friends on-site. š I speak with experience when I tell you it causes a lot more stress and drama for everyone when you don't try to talk to your friends privately.
It looks like Jay had internal reasons for being upset, and while the situation could have been handled better, it's best that you try to avoid making commentary or getting personally offended without asking for more clarification. This is all just for future reference, though.. since I can see you guys have already attempted to work things out on your own. -
Oh. Maybe they just need more time then a couple hours.
I'll take that advice...I think your name is Jill? I'm terrible with names so sorry if that is wrong.
I wasn't offended per say, but situations like that have happened before, many times. I think I just got tired of people reacting like that when I try to be nice (Tbh I'm not good at being nice...) and I got sarcastic and said things.
I will make sure to ask questions if there is a next time. -
Now I'm going to rant about something that happened roughly two years ago but still makes me sad
Why are they like that WHAT DID I DO TO THEM it was literally kindergarten and you still haven't gotten over it people and then her, she was there for her own amusement, I HATE HER she calls me a friend then goes and makes fun of me with her friends and tells them all the ways they can bother me I tried ignoring them it didn't help, they only care when I start crying then they pretend to be sorry, they don't understand how it feels then the teachers tell me it isn't that bad I mean THEY LITERALLY CHASED ME DOWN THE HALLS SINGING THE DORA THE EXPLORER THEME SONG WHEN I GOT A HAIRCUT! I know other people have gone through much worse but that doesn't make my suffering something you shouldn't care about, you teachers knew how I was struggling and you didn't even try to help, when you saw them do those things in class all you ever did was go on with the lesson while I suffered in silence. -
Why is everyone doing giant paragraphs?
Because it's a rant
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