Keyboard's Kastle
Thread Topic: Keyboard's Kastle
Now they're arguing about Jacob's original username, "cuteboy123." Tay Tay says it's stupid, and I can see the point. Cuteboy123 sounds like you're trying to hit girls off, which does not send off a good signal.
I'm not being hateful or anything, I'm just explaining what Tay might be thinking.
Ugh reeeeeeeeeee
Thank you keyboard that's what im thinking
I really cant stand that name cuteboy123. I'm sorry I really cant
so you guys think this username is better than cuteboy123? btw its the same person just a dofferntt name guys
Yeah. I thought it would help to explain why the name is so intimidating, that way he can understand a bit more.
Thank you keyboard.
The things I have to do to keep my thread alive xD
kay. so now we all know im jacob lol. its pretty obvi huh
@Tay: No problem.
@Jacob: YUP.
But can you guys please make a quiz? The newbie profile pictures drive me insane. -
lmfao. hiw? it wont let me submit more than 1 question!
Well after you finish a question, you click whichever one is right and then click "Save this question" and it should automatically go to the next question.
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