Keyboard's Kastle
Thread Topic: Keyboard's Kastle
Shudup sad sack!
Same to you.
Silas I told you that you lost talking privileges after what you told me on my thread
Eggaly, can you answer my question, since Keyboard doesn't seem to be on?
I'm pretty sure it's one of her IRL friends
Ok. Thanks.
They're real real. They're actually irl friends.
i like your profile picture c:
Ok. Just wondering.
Thanks Jay
Btw I made a poll:
[poll.Kih] -
I'm not voting, because I'm never dying my hair.
1. I'm allowed to dye my hair, I just don't want to
2. You'd have to strip the pigment out of my hair before you dyed it, so that's not happening
3. I like my hair color. -
i’ve dyed my hair red/maroon, brown, platinum blonde, and peach.
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