Thread Topic: br0wnie
lol gm :)
Smh GTQ guy pays you a salary for what
lmfaoo real
gm/afternoon and ty for taking care of it
it's no problem y'all and i'm sorry it took so long. i literally opened my eyes for the day and saw all this bulls--- at once
YEAH RIGHT lmao. i wish i got paid to do this
i'm here because i still love gtq -
no, you're totally fine xD
You're alg, I thought you did it pretty fast lol
nah because I also opened my eyes and saw all this, I would say you took care of it pretty quick.
freaking starving bro I’m so hungry
had to steal some of my niece’s animal crackers
Stealing from a child is egregious work
not the animal crackers!1111!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!
she’s aight she’s the kind of child to BEG for a snack and when you get one for her she eats a little bit then completely forgets about it
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