Thread Topic: br0wnie
stuffing should NOT exist bruh
Wait. Who voted stuffing? 🤨
I love stuffing -
i don't know why i'm reminded of either cat food or just straight garbage when i eat stuffing, maybe it's just the way my family makes it idk
I love stuffing, cranberry is okay but I hate green beans.
they're good with mustard
Stuffing is gross
hot take but the best Thanksgiving food is sweet potatoes and that's just because of the marshmallows on top (my family doesn't have mac n cheese on thanksgiving unfortunately otherwise that'd be my favorite) -
i like sweet potato casserole too, my grandma used to make it with a brown sugar glaze almost like a soup but a bit crispy on the edges. really good
i'm jealous of the people who have dreams, who have been chasing something since they were young. i can't say i'm really talented at something in particular, or that i have a dream i'd give everything up for. i'm jealous of that kind of passion. i just feel.. average, and idk i just don't want to be stuck in a job i hate for the rest of my life. but the time to think about my future is now, i can't procrastinate
oh gosh fast food is definitely a possibility for me atm but i'm scared of dealing with customers again
bro if i'm already paying for discord nitro i don't feel like i should have to pay more for simple stickers or frames for my profile
wow this song is so gay
warning lyrics are a little suggestive
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