Come, and Join Me
- Locked by Faceless Knight on Aug 1, '20 12:10amReason: Owner's request
Thread Topic: Come, and Join Me
Le1F Advanceddid raynefall go to their grsndparnts agen
Le1F can you please just stop acting like a newb calling literally every single person annoying
Le1F Advancedwho the hell r y
Yes, Rayne did go to her grandparents.
I thought we were playing truth or dare!
Le1F Advanced2day???
She came on last night, and is still on.
Ya I'm always on
Not you.
Well now you I'm always on
Hello and Unicornkat
I know you are.
I wishhhhh I haddd a boyfriendddd
I honestly don't know if I want one.
Le1F Advancedhigh
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