Splash Mountain
Thread Topic: Splash Mountain
I didn't get the part I wanted in the play which is cool and all but the cute new guy didn't get cast at all so I have no idea when the next time I'll see him is
To-Do List:
(Just for aspirations, nothing that is pressingly need to do)
-Start drafting my comic now that I have ideas
-Figure out more details for the roleplay I want to start
-Put together a playlist for one of my story ideas
-Get a rough outline for another story idea of mine
-Draw my OCs
-Figure out a Halloween costume -
Accomplished the playlist and the Halloween costume, now I'd like to add "Clean my room for my plants" to the list. I have a table I wanna put near my window so they can get better sunlight but that area is currently home to about 80% of the stuffed animals I've ever owned because there's no room for them anywhere else. But now I can't open my dresser which is why all my clean clothes are on my bed. It's not easy being green.
I checked out a book today even though I never read because I have no self control :) where was this during the summer?
Gang I love dressing up cute every time my feelings are hurt it makes me feel like a bad b--ch
Me giving my best friend/ex advice about flirting with a new girl: :'0)
Reading list bc it's getting out of hand:
Citizen-Claudia Rankine (For AP Lang)
Code Girls-Lisa Mundy (Independent reading for Lang)
Glass Sentences-S.E. Grove (Checked out of the library out of lack of self control. Didn't see the irony until I was home)
Sandrider-Angie Sage (Had this checked out in June but didn't finish, part of a series I have to finish)
A book I got for my birthday that I can't remember the name of (My birthday was in May) -
I might be joining a school-sponsered band so that's fun
I feel like a day off just to sleep would be nice
I spent a great deal of the day talking s--t with my friends about our director bc he type-casts and was all p---- when people were seven minutes late to our third rehearsal when we hadn't even finished our first read through
I really want to put my roleplay idea up on the Stage but I'm not sure if it'd go over too well and I also don't want half of the posts on the stage to be me
But like I've started planning and now my biggest fear is that I'll be making my character too op/give them too much special stuff but y'know what I'm I'm the leader and it's for Plot Development™ then who cares?
I want to hear your plot
Basically there's these six people who all use different types of magic living on a world where people can level up like in a video game. Our heroes are all level one's trying to prove themselves after meeting the character I would take, who invites them to go on a journey with her to return the young prince of the stars. There's some more details but that's what I've got so far.
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