Splash Mountain
Thread Topic: Splash Mountain
@ Kat since November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), there's a website where you can track your progress in writing throughout that month. The official challenge has a 50,000 word goal but cowards like me use the Young Writers Program site and set their own goals (Mine is usually 20,000). It can be a novel or short mini stories, and I'm sure poetry would totally work if you were willing to write that much in a month. I'm using it to motivate me to work on my play and some other fanfiction stuff.
Coolio!! I wish I could get into it but I doubt it'll work with school and whatnot :(
Hahaha, So Fun! :) I've Been Dead Inside For Thirty Two Years :)
I've got a song stuck in my head but I don't know the words rip
Somebody talk to me or ask me something jeez I'm lonely here
Hello :D How's school going?
Howdy! I have sunk deep into a hole with no hope of return! :D
It's so weird seeing so many new threads lately its a lot like the old gtq
Also, was the site down for anyone else today?
Okay good to know
I wrote over 2,200 words today for NaNoWriMo
And it's supposed to be freezing today so I have to wear my jacket now and I don't know where my locker is so that's fun
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