I want to start a thread.
Thread Topic: I want to start a thread.
Don’t you have a switch? What games do you have?
I do. I have MK8D, Super Mario Party and Cuphead. Why what's up?
Ah I was hoping you had Splatoon or something. Not a fan of Mario kart games anymore and I don’t think Mario Party is gonna be enjoyable for me.
Ah I see. Sorry :( I was given a 12 month membership card for online play for Christmas, but part of the code got f---ed up, and Nintendo had me go back and forth between calling and emailing them, so I have to buy a new card
(And sorry 4 the late reply) -
Oh damn that sounds like a hassle. They’re not giving you a replacement? :/ are you paying for another?
Like.. if you’re paying for another, that’s wack
I'm probably gonna have to pay for another. Which, yeah is dumb, but its not too expensive so its ight I guess
Yeah. 20$ for a whole year is a steal.
omg, sign the petition, jacob
I'm cool you don't know me
What petition am I allegedly going to or not going to sign?
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