2018 Time Capsule
Thread Topic: 2018 Time Capsule
i cringed after reading what i posted here in 2018
Oh boi
Good thing I didn't give myself a whole paragraph even though I was just being lazy lol
Ok imma be honest. I changed a lot.
you care too much about your looks, you like to laugh and please others.
Now I stopped giving a f--- about it. -
holy s--- :( I didn't even care enough to write a good letter to myself. but! I did graduate firefighter 1 and have done good time in the fire department. <3 i am now considering EMT training instead...and college is still a wonder...I'll write about it in a better letter this year.
i am not nemmie, i fĂșcking hate nemmie.
You curse? Lol
dang I regret not writing a longer letter but I think I made up for it this year not gonna lie
also I find kylo ren so not my type right now its really funny how that changed XD
you sure did lmao
bump for people that weren't online to see
Hay, hru?
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