Speak, friend, and enter.
Thread Topic: Speak, friend, and enter.
Ah I figured đŸ‘Œ have fun with that!
Will do
Squid Game is interesting. Wish it wasn't so blatantly violent. The storyline is cool tho
Midterms make me question why I'm torturing myself and literally paying for it. With money I don't have.
Actually wait no life does that itself
Wow I made a thread? Reminds me of fun times
Ah you know what a great feeling is :D
Seeing your first story published in the school news site
But tbh I miss fiction writing like why is ap style so weird -
Maybe I should start thinking of investing in a better laptop -_-
This big clunky dell that I got back in like senior year of high school is going to die on me.
It's so slow oof -
Pls save me
I've put it off for so long but I finally gave in
Started watching the Twilight series for the first time... -
Just one more week
Then Thanksgiving break ^-^ -
Interview room?
Is literally a journalism major. -
Oh journalism, my worst enemy at work
Lol yes what a weird job
Hi! :) -
It's an invasive job
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