I really, really despise
Thread Topic: I really, really despise
I despise sickness. I hate the fact that
1. Your eyes itch so much and you can't rub them or it'll get worse
2. The tickle in your throat that won't go away
3. The dry mouth
4. Nasal congestion
5. The sneezing/coughing
6. The lack of sleep which causes dark circles under your eyes
7. When people constantly ask you if you're on drugs -
I love the people who exaggerate over a little cold xD When they search up the worst diagnosis ever and claim to have it
But it's the the cc and they say that they're dying everytime they cough.
It's really funny to me. I always get a good laugh from it. ;-; -
True, you right.
Why are pills so many colours? I see them a lot and almost every pill I see has a different colour.
And I don't understand what the words/letters mean that are like stamped on the single pills
Like 447B
And I guess I like dancing around in long socks and shorts bc it makes me feel so happy for some reason.
Especially when Cataleya and Khrysti are here ;^; -
So I'm reading a few articles and looking at drinks that breaks down the bad bacteria
and whew
Warm to hot green tea with lemon slice
That doesn't sound too bad
Except.. Why put a lemon slice in your tea? Why put it in any drink?? It sounds creepy to me.
Speaking of
Why is island spelled the way it is? -
I didn't see your post xD -
Le1F Experiencedcant tell if in a social mood or not
RCMP NewbieIts not creepy that's how you make lemonnads you put a bunch of lemons in water
Say like this ees land -
I am :3
Well. I don't leave the lemons to soak in there. I did it with cucumbers but never with lemons. It just seems weird
Eww that is so not satisfying -
Le1F Experiencedi how ever am not
Or maybe not
I'm tired. Byee -
Le1F Experiencedu never r
imma give up u no
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