The teamwork game.
- Locked due to inactivity on Nov 28, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: The teamwork game.
Things required
At least two teams both consisting of two members. I will check to see if these are Multis ; P
Each team must make a thread with their name
You need to count up to a hundred with no repeats.
If you do have a number repeat or you mess up you go all the way back to zero.
I'll which team got to a hundred with the least amount of mess ups and restarts.
Link your team thread here. -
Also Each team will have only three minutes to come up with a plan I'll tell you when it begins and when it ends, I'll post during the game here so have this thread open on another tab to keep up; 3
I may not start the game now as I will be leaving soon. -
Ok the game is now open for sign up I'll Probaly start it later.
Wouldn't that be spamming?
I don't think so as I'm setting a team maximum of four. So there would be four threads for people to do it in? They serve a purpose and it's just really to see how people can work together.
Alright I'll put you two on the list ( That I don't have) -
Can i play this random game
It sounds more exciting than the rest of my life -
I wouldn't call it a randomn game and I'd prefer if you had someone in mind to be in a team with.
I don't really know anyone...
The whole point of this game is team work, I mean you could ask Queen Tasha/ Magie Magic? I'm sure they'd do it with you.
Ok, where can I find her?
Make a thread with ehr username in the title and ask her to join the game, I don't know if she'll say yes but she's most likley.
i am team
I would say yes but rules still stand for you even if you are MISHA XD
you are my team
I'm not playing XD
Saving a spot for Rvelez ( keep having to go back to spell the name sorry) as they helped me come up with this.
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