- Locked due to inactivity on Nov 21, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Rolling_Girl27
I hope you found the site, and don't mention Transformers or p.o.r.n. Some idiot called Autobot medic ruined it, and everyone will blame you that you're them if you do.
Don't worry if someone accuses you. Just ignore them. Here, you can respond to someone almost immediately if they are on. You can cuss and other things.
Maybe this will be easier to chat.
For those who don't know Rolling_girl27, she's a user on Archive Of Our Own who writes Transformer fanfics. Her two most famous ones are Falling Into a Beautiful Black and Under the Beast's Claws.
Please be nice to her! She's my friend, and I don't want her to feel unwelcomed! (If she finds it.)
Okay. That smile emoji is creepy... -
And don't ask her her name, place, or age. She hates being personal. No nicknames either. If you don't believe me, look her username up and look at the comments at the end of her fics.
You can mention transformers but you can't post smut of them
i slid my long hard robot dick into the car one more time, i even knew it wasn't atransformer, but after seeing that one transformer change from a car I've been attracted to them ever since. after one long robotic grunt i came a truckload ofpetrol in the car as innocent bystanders watched in terror as i covered them in gasoline goodness
Well, of course. Just... Please. She's fragile, and I'm not even sure if she's coming. -
Gee, I don't know a /word/ you just said.
Sorry, guys. I have to keep this thread here so Rolling_girl27 sees it.
This thread is locked, therefore no new posts can be made.