Can you solve the Riddle of Doom?
- Locked due to inactivity on Nov 20, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Can you solve the Riddle of Doom?
Jellycupcake NoviceOkay so, your on a crossroads that goes to 2 towns. The left road goes to a lying town, where you can only lie. The other one goes to a truth town where you can only tell the truth. You want to go to the truth town. A man from one of the towns walks up and you want to ask him for dirrections to the truth town because you don't know wich way it is but you can only ask him one question before he dies. What question would you ask him?
"What and where is your town?"
Jellycupcake NoviceI made a mitache. You nn't know which one goes to the lying town or the truth town.
Jellycupcake NoviceIt's fake. It's a riddle. Wait, I'm confused.
Jellycupcake NoviceOh, and magie magic? Are you still doing your clubhouse, because I took your quiz and i'm 93 percent allowed in.
No, that project didn't work out.
Jellycupcake NoviceAww. Dang. Oh, I totally understand what you meant by the what and where is your town. Sorry. I thaught you were asking me. You answered it correctly. Good job. I thaught it was hard.
Jellycupcake NoviceSo, does anyone want to talk?
it was hard, I'm just smart! :)
Jellycupcake NoviceOh. Yeah you are. It took me like 2 hours to figure it out. Okay, that's an exageration, but still. It's probablly because I'm only 10. How many posts and quizzes and stuff do you think you have go have to get to junior?
Jellycupcake NoviceI mean to have not go have.
YEah.. not so subtle... O-O -
Jellycupcake NoviceWell, if he was from the truth town he would say I'm from truth, and if he was from the lying town he'd say truth. But that doesn't help anything. Sorry.
Jellycupcake NoviceWould you like to try again?
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