The Coral Reef
Thread Topic: The Coral Reef
So she never told me Elroy's memory would be f---ed up.
I am sober.
the newb have been on since morning... and you're now noticing them. Wow.
That just shows people need to leave their threads.
God, how I would like a conversation with someone new, but I have to dip in a few.
How does it feel to be hated?
How funny is that the one you hate doesn't care, but the one you love hates you? -
That sounds completely shattering, honestly.
Oh, sorry ^^ I'll leave now.
It does.
You are fine! You don't have to leave. -
Was that randomly said, or spoken from personal levels? Sorry if I'm invading privacy, you don't have to reply.
You can say its personal, and only a select few will know what I am talking about.
Oh, I apologize.. That sounds a little deep, so I'll drop it. I do hope you're having a good day, though :)
No, it's totally cool, mate. I am most definitely having a good day. Hope you are too.
That's great!😄
I have to go, but please have a good night. Bye! :) -
Thanks, the same to you!
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