This is highly disgusting.
- Locked due to inactivity on Nov 3, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: This is highly disgusting.
So let me get this straight? You delete names that have already been publically posted on the forums and are therefore not "private" anymore, but can't go the extra mile to delete possible jailbait pics (and the account) like other websites do? 4chan is literally on top to what I've seen.
I just recently posted a thread in the Moderator forum asking what we should do on the topic of trolls, sharing private information, and other topics. I've also marked the posts including the "child p---" and am on standby to have another moderator delete them. I suggested that we should start being stricter. We're aware it's unacceptable and we're putting forth the effort to change what's going on. Or, at least, I am.
I don't care. I really don't. You people obviously don't know how to do your jobs correctly unless it involves garnering symathy from easily fooled retards, crying wolf
and harassment, enforcing censorship, and suddenly realizing that you've done numerous faults. You, Brownie, and probably much more on this goddamn website have shared personal info and has even got external forces involved (parents, relatives, etc.) and you even expose your poor f---ing little sister on this website and make her vulnerable. -
None of us are garnering sympathy. I'm afraid you're highly mistaken about what our job is. Our job is to make this site a user-friendly place. As of right now, specific users are not being friendly towards the userbase and are thwarting the peace. We're doing what we can to help users as well as help ourselves. It is not a one way ticket. We don't do everything for the users and allow ourselves to be trampled over and mocked. Our names should not be used in a derogatory way.
Additionally, if you want us to be as strict as other sites, then yes. Everything you have done to this point counts as harassment and means that your account would have been deleted on any other site. However, we know that you're a nice person to others, and so we've put off deleting accounts of half-troll users. You are not wrong in saying we've committed faults. However, you are wrong in attempting to say everything we've done is wrong. We've done some spectacular things that would improve the site, provided trolls ceased to exist. -
Righttttt. That's not what you were saying back then while you blatantly told people that you were an actress and gave your name away and Br0wnie following the whole shebang too, but let's just totally make excuses to delete podts that don't need to be.
Mm, not really. Having dissent against people isn't harassment. Not really. You're nothing more than just useless factors that just steal the admin's credit. It's really GTQ Guy that does spectacular things, and it's a literal shame he chose your ludicrous pieces of entertainment as moderators. -
Like I've said, I don't care that people know my name. But when it's being used to post rude comments about me, hence the word "derogatory," I don't want it sitting there. When I go looking for a job and people find me, I don't want them to see people like you spreading rude and vile information about me. They can look at my old posts from '12, and if they decide not to hire me because of that, I don't mind. But I shouldn't get judged for what internet trolls/bullies have to say about me. Once again, we aren't questioning any other user of why they want their name gone, we're just doing it. And, AGAIN, I'm sure you wouldn't give a flying damn about this matter if we weren't moderators. We're still humans and we still have reasons for not wanting our name spread. Please and thank you.
You're right. Hating someone isn't cause for harassment. But following them in their threads, posting hate speech, and trying to get a reaction out of people is harassment. It's also called trolling. I did some research on this earlier today. You're one of those "grey lines" people when it comes to trolls, which is particularly why we've just been watching you rather than taking action. When did we take the admin's credit? This isn't our site. I'm not calling it my own, nor is anyone else. You're spewing words in an attempt to create something that.. Doesn't need to be said at all, actually. GTQ Guy didn't make the locking feature on his own. The moderators helped. I'm not saying he didn't make it- clearly he did- but I will take credit for an idea I came up with. I'm sure anyone else would do the same. -
Here's a tip:
Let sh it go. -
This site is just disgusting.
Easier said than done.
If you don't like it, you're free to log off and enjoy a different site. No one is keeping you here. -
Ohhh, so you're one of those PC people?
Oh honey, you aren't going to last long a website like this, or anywhere for a matter of fact. Mm, yeah, I am spreading hate speech while your precious reptile god does the same thing I do, so-
And dealing with an online subject that complex and researching it just now just shows you're such a newbie and I am not as much deep into the troll persona like the rest.
Oh, did you really? I suppose. I created the frolicks of the grass, the sun that implicates its temperate wrath into that grass, I created the whole universe. I created something too, Dark. I helped create everything, despite other people having the same propositions and already talked about that idea and might have even created the universe as well, but I proclaim myself as creator of the universe despite those factors. -
I beg your pardon, what makes you think I'm anything close to a computer?
I think I've lasted long enough, considering I've been here for a good four years and I'm a moderator. I'm doing just fine out on the net. I deal with people like you in the gaming world, so I'm rather used to this type of drama. Also, if you're referring to LeafyIsHere, he's stated several times that he doesn't hate anyone he speaks about. You, on the other hand, actually hate the people you complain about, which gives me all the more reason to believe what you say isn't just a joke.
I've researched a lot of things before. However, today, I managed to compile a list of strong sources to go off of. Today I slammed my foot down and said f--- it. (Not really.) Like I said earlier, being a moderator is a learning process. If I don't learn new things and accept new views, I'd be a pretty s---ty person.
Okay, wonderful. You created your very own world just now. You can take some claim for it because it's bound to have things that make it YOURS. You don't get all of the credit, obviously, just as I don't. But you get some. And that's the whole point. I'm glad to know you understand at least one thing. :) -
where's the bleach
Alright, whatever you say. I thought you didn't game anymore?
Correct, but I really only hate you. And despite me hating someone people, some of the things I say in my rants are more bold enough to recognize that it's a little overly dramatic, bringing off a less serious effect. If you really piss me off, like now, then it's all serious.
I slammed my penis down and said f--- it. (Not really) It really hurt and I can manage to compile a list of strong sources on why my nut factory is completely broken.
Thanks for proving my point there.
But you weren't the original that created the idea, were you? You were implying that.
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