My goats
- Locked due to inactivity on Oct 7, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: My goats
[no urls]?fbid= 1239831162697317&set=pb.100000113360340.-2207520000 .1470603388.&type=3&theater
(no spaces) -
https ://www. /photo.php?fbid=10154307199516310&set =pb.501656309 .-2207520000.1470603595 .&type =3&theater
(no spaces)
Rockey -
https ://www. facebook. com /photo.php?fbid=10153532436086310&set =pb.501656309. -2207520000.1470603663.&type=3&theater
(no spaces)
Max -
https:// [no urls] /photo.php?fbid=10153513897841310& set=pb.501656309.-2207520000. 1470603666.&type=3&theater
(I think you get the no spaces thing now)
Meg -
Awww they are cute
https ://www. /photo.php?fbid= 10154083764276208&set= pb.743941207.-2207520000. 1470603876. &type= 3&theater
Oreo -
That's all I have for now!
awwwww omg!!! I love goats you are so lucky x3
They're a lot of work! But playing with them is worth it!
Also I can get free dairy foods and soap once we start milking them!
That means free cheese and icecream!!! -
That's really cool x3
someone make these clickable
I can't. No urls
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