A Place For My Head
Thread Topic: A Place For My Head
Holy s--- I'm keeping this pic.
And why doesn't he dress like that in the tournies? He need to.
I tried 99 last night, again, and failed miserably, again.
No wonder people don't like it. -
Then I jumped to 2001, and I could use the characters pretty well, but mom happened. -.-
though I wasn't really doing good at that point. Japan team came in as the 5th or 6th team, and Kyo was giving me all kinds of hell. Still, I could try a little longer and maybe give Zero a punch or two. -
Mom interrupted during 2000 a few days back, and I had just reached Clone Zero. ;-;
Knock knock
Who's there?
Your interrupting mom. ^~^
;-; -
B always complains about how I know more about the game when I've known it for like a year and he has for more than 10 years.
Uh, I go through this thing called the internet, and I'm more curious than you.
He also complains about how I'm obsessed with this game and it's characters.
Heh... I can't really argue on that.. -
I log in only to immediately regret it. Oh welp.
I have a pretty bad cold, can't breathe. I'm breathing through my mouth and I feel like a dead fish.
And I have to chew with my mouth open because if I close my mouth, I feel suffocated. Ugh..
Told dad to get me a nasal spray, but of course he forgot.
Though its getting better now, 6 pill everyday, twice.
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