A Place For My Head
Thread Topic: A Place For My Head
Does anyone have any quiz they no longer need?
Sorry, sorry, I'm here now.
I need more fake gmail.
Oh hey.
What chu up to? -
Not really anything exciting, working and posting on here. You?
Pretty leaves!
Sorry, I'm lost -
That wasn't meant to you. XD
I was on the road and I passed a tree with pretty leaves. :3
I'm not doing anything either. -
Oh okay xD
What time is it where you live? I'm on the West Coast and it's f---ing dark here and it's only a quarter after 8. How can you even see the tree? XD -
XD it's 9:22 here.
Question is how was I posting all that while I was in a vehicle. The road was so bad, it was like I'm typing on the phone while riding a bull.. -
Lolz -
X3 -
Okay that makes sense
So what part of the world do you live in? It obviously isn't the US -
Dude, you thought I was an US person all this time? o.o
Bangladesh. Asia. -
I wanna sleep.
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