who finds annoying the mods fun
Thread Topic: who finds annoying the mods fun
That doesn't mean that they're superior than everybody else. Wow, they maintain a quiz site, you seriously achieved the most amazing things in life.
yeah!!!! toby youre my new best friend
i'm starting to think you're some aspie or something
thats super f---ing true mod on this site = a perfect superior all must treat like god no freedom of religion
omg thanks you -
that's ?? kind of rude
man i was only joking around but you're not supposed to use that as an insult.. there's like actual real people who have aspergers -
Also Toby, don't be afraid to approach Sun. They're nice when you get to know them, but they can appear a bit scary at first. As long as you show them that you're willing to be respectful, it should be fine.
And feel free to chat with me literally whenever. -
sun is a scary, like a star but bjgger
i feel like you're intending the opposite
but you're acting like a deviantart aspie that has intertwined with tumblr and dipped into a pool of s--- just as an extra topping
and many people have cancer, but people say "this is cancer, you are cancer, etc"
many people have killed themselves, but people say "kys, kill yourselves please, kill yourself"
so LOL what's your point
it's not like you're actually autistic, much like whenever people call stuff cancer doesn't mean it really has cancer -
i don't defend or support any of those sayings at all. especially the cancer one. you probably know why
You're right Geek, my dearest human, Sun, is a very large and powerful star. I'm proud of them.
But yeah Drew, calling someone that is kinda rude, especially since it feels like you just kinda... threw it out there. -
im gonna stop now because im literally wheezing so hard im having trouble typing
and yes okay selena -
but not everyone is going to bow down just because you BAAAWWW about people making references to cancer
:((( aw
i'm not allowed to say anything now
selena said so
case closed then! -
Yep, you're not allowed to talk anymore. We're free guys! It's over!
Yeah, no, f--- you. The evil is back and is never going away.
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