I'm sorry to say
- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 7, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: I'm sorry to say
My daughter had over dosed on memes and died. Her meme addiction got out of hand, but she is in a better place now. Rest in pieces you little f--- 💜
What meme killed her? My son died from a Rick Roll overdoes with a hint of Deez Nutz.
Poor Meep.
I don't know. She had so many on her phone.
Yes, my poor little s​hit. -
My SIB is dead?? [smiley-cry)
Yep. It's about time, though, right?
No i luvd heR [smiley-cry) [smiley-cry)
Well my daughter didn't love you, kid. lol
I snort memes every night and I'm still here. :c
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