To those who "Give up"
- Locked due to inactivity on Oct 3, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: To those who "Give up"
Look- There's always one thing that everyone hates about themselves. I understand the pain of wanting something so badly just to make yourself feel like you are something. What if one day you got what you want? You are still going to have countless spools and outputs of negativity!
Negative emotions come in every being no matter what gender. Yes, being female might be cool but is it really worth killing yourself over? Can't you wait and let your education and understanding of society grow? You may hate it but if you wish to be something deep down in your hate, you are going to have to be one with time. Listen- We are all having tough emotional times though killing and suicide is never the answer. It only proves that we are weak if we do so- Continue being strong and allow what is needed. Don't wait on it, try something else that you CAN do. Be who you CAN be at the moment.
You may think the world hates you, and that's understandable. In reality- No one hates you except yourself. Your mind is clouded by countless negativity- Try to see the truth to dwell in the positive.
raiku help me
am really stressd out by meen gurls at mah bording skool
they make mah life misserble
am soo scarred off them -
Well, don't be. Fear is the king of weakness. If you know you are indeed strong enough both physically and mentally, you can over power them. Look just because some bullies are hurting you does not mean that you are weak scum. You need to stand up and fight back. You need to show them that they are the scum and you are the victorious one. Don;t let anyone walk all over you with their dirty ass feet.
i know
thing is i aslo have 2 go 2 a horrible parrty with them latr
an all mah enemies are there
my parents foced me 2 go so i have no chooice -
simple, just go and act strong. Talk, be happy. Show them you are not a target to mess with. You need to show that you don't want to f--- with their s--- so they should not f--- with yours.
i'll try
Try to avoid those girls if possible. If not, then try to act strong and unshakeable to them. Always be strong and don't even show a single miserable face in front of them. If you show, they will keep making you miserable. They will be bored if they see their stuffs can't make you miserable.
I'm not saying that your copying me but I find it funny that I made this a few hours ago
anime is anigay
Being a hardcore gamer taught me to never give up. Because if you give up, you miss out on a success and can't proceed to the next level like the game wants you to, but if you do fail you can always take a break and change games for a while.
Girly- Good.
Panda- Oops. XD
Geek- Ok.
Sky- That's a good attitude~! -
it's fine
Okay, Pandy.
You can call me Michael
You can call me Tobias.
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