Land of Stars and Echoes
Thread Topic: Land of Stars and Echoes
I'm sorry.
It's fine, it's just
I know the typos are a nuisance, and I'm sorry
but am I really that bad when I'm drunk? -
You aren't that bad, it's just depressing to see someone you look up to so much being wasted like that. In my experiences, alcohol has been evil. It's a personal thing. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that it worries you.
I'm probably black listed.... but whatever
You drinking is not a problem, you're calmer than my "dad". So I'm not bothered -
I don't think it's a problem, either. The concern it apparently causes my friends is a problem.
Aww, they care about you.
No matter what you do, someone's always gonna be concerned. Don't worry about it. Do what makes you happy. -
sorry for making you feel that way, but i've seen some things with alcohol and weed and drugs and just, i don't want my friend to go down the same path. maybe its just me but most of my entire family either smokes or does drugs or drinks and seeing what happens when they don't get their fix, it just makes me feel concerned that it might get to that point with you and your alcohol. maybe its just me being paranoid though..
jeez guys
I'm really sorry
I don't want you or Seth worrying about me
you won't hear about me drinking any more -
holy mother of f--- I am suffering
everything hurts god damn
this is not a combination of artists I foresaw getting together -
that's a.... strange combo
I agree
dude suicide squad's gonna be an awful movie with a great soundtrack
i'm calling it. twilight 2.0.
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