I never use Grey for anything anymore.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:36pm
Thread Topic: I never use Grey for anything anymore.
Except I suppose to say that I never use them anymore. Poor Grey. They have to feel pretty neglected. I'm not sure why I bothered to make this name.
..../oh no/
Chumpasaurus Rex Newbieoh nooooooooooooo
oh nooooooooooooo indeed
now I have to rethink all of my Sburb sht -
-->1n \^/h1(h (@$3 1 $h0u1d g3t b@(1< 1nt0 (h@r@(t3r//
-->3\/3n 1f 1t'$ @ fu(1 -
-->1 um..//
-->1 $h0u1d r3@11y $0rt 0ut my qu1r1 -
-->0h f0r th3 10\/3 0f (0d//
-->\^/hy d1dn't 1 n0t1(3 th@t//
genocideTendency Junior[05:46:33] GT: -->ThErE. ThEsE ArE My QuIrKs N0W.//
[05:46:50] GT: -->N0W N0 M0Re EdItInG ThAt.//
[05:47:03] GT: -->I JuSt NeEd T0 FiX My ChUm H&Le N0W.// -
genocideTendency Junior[05:48:21] GT: -->As UsEd T0 ThIs 0Ne As I Am, It MiGhT Be DaNgEr0Us T0 ThE ChIlDrEn T0 HaVe S0MeThInG ThIs EdGy JuSt LyInG Ar0UnD ThE F0RuMs.//
[05:48:26] GT: -->I'D HaTe F0R ThEm T0 CuT ThEmSeLvEs.// -
genocideTendency Junior[06:00:23] GT: -->By ThE WaY, If AnY0Ne WaNtS T0 FiNd ThEiR ClAsS & AsPeCt, ThIs ThReAd Is ReAlLy UsEfUl.//
[06:00:29] GT: -->
[06:01:11] GT: -->ThErE ArE A L0T 0F N0NcAn0NiCaL ClAsSeS & AsPeCtS HeRe, BuT If We HaD NeVeR MeT ThE Tr0LlS 0R ThE AlPhA KiDs, We W0UlD HaVe AsSuMeD ThAt ThErE WeRe 0NlY F0Ur P0SsIbLe ClAsSeS & AsPeCtS.//
[06:01:25] GT: -->It'S N0T 0Ut 0F ThE QuEsTi0N T0 AsSuMe ThErE ArE M0Re P0SsIbIlItIeS BeY0Nd Th0Se 0F ThE ChArAcTeRs We'Ve SeEn.// -
all these dead multis
genocideTendency Junior[06:24:49] GT: -->WhAt MaKeS Y0U ThInK ThEy'Re DeAd?//
[06:25:01] GT: -->WeLl, 0KaY, ThIs 0Ne Is G0InG T0 Be 0NcE I'Ve Th0UgHt 0F A BeTtEr ChUmH&Le.//
[06:25:07] GT: -->& GrEy Is T00 HaHaHaHa.//
[06:25:14] GT: -->I D0N'T CaRe MuCh F0R ThE NaMe AnYm0Re.//
[06:25:19] GT: -->FiNe ThEn.// -
1 question: Who are you
fINe ThEN mAtE
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