PD's Official thread..
Thread Topic: PD's Official thread..
*purrs aswell stroking your hair*
*purrs more*
*purrs happily, gently and slowly pulls you closer*
hey kate
I still despise you Tyler Brady! *glares* and we're dating.. not you and me, do not misunderstand that..
Tyler?!!*hug tackles you* -
Don't misunderstand that bruh..:/
u-h sorry im confused..
i missed you kate yesturday was my b day -
This is Masky bruh, i'm dating Katie bruh, dunno why i'm saying bruh.... Bruh...
Happy birthday and I had made this for a gift*pulls out a moon necklace*
u need 1 account
Now i'm confused..:/
kate you dont have to....
how did i confuse you UGHHH NOW IM CONFUSED
The 1 account thing..
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