Sade's thread
Thread Topic: Sade's thread
Wow just wow
Let's just stalk and wattpad about it I'll tell you why in the messages.
im just now leaving sorry late post.
Oh wow it feels really good when you thought your best friend wouldn't lie to play with your feelings :) again. Sadly what makes it worse is that Sade is lying in a hospital bed :)
im back and this time truthful and not going to lie and be a b----.
So where's Christian?
he's still taking the test my mom picked me up because i started throwing up and i have a fever.
Neji__Hyuga NoviceSade noises
That sucks
*walks away from masky* -
neji hyuga:what?
kait: yeah but im used to it i coughed up blood before.
Wow :|
Neji__Hyuga NoviceWhy are you walking away from me?
King of life NewbieHello? I'm new kind of nice to meet you all , Miss . Emma ( may I please call yiu that ) I love your profile picture and you're user name.
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