Emmalee's Profile

Joined on Sep 19, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Emmalee's Quizzes
- would i go out with you?[published: Sep 19, 2015, 6 comments]
if you want to know if ill date you come take this quiz!because im a pretty attractive girl and im……
- would a girl like you?[published: Sep 19, 2015, 2 comments]
this quiz will tell you if your a ladies man or your just a stuck-up nerd.it will help you later in life……
Emmalee's Recent Posts
"Stop laughing at me XD"
"stop it sounds better when you sing it just sayin..."
"I know I cryed"
"I know the song was soothing hook it up."
"*listens to my favorite song sung by you*"
"me:what? Joseph:I'm sorry I got carried away me:I'm not forgiving you Joseph:why not? me:your a player Jo"
"brb he's calling ugh!"
"*sings "one last time" by Ariana grande*"
"me:you deserved it b----! Joseph:WTFs wrong with you?! me:me?! my problem is you! Joseph:I'm leaving this was a mistake"
"Ugh! I hate him now! *slaps him* there he deserved it! b----!"
"He said he's intristed but he already has someone....:(..."
Emmalee's Recent Quiz Comments
"ill live till 99 or 100 yeah:)"
1 -
"98% mixed girl! im mostly that all the time my friends can never reconize me lol"
1 -
"im always up for a challenge! i watch rated R horror movies."
1 -
"ok so im very lucky!"
1 -
"98%:3 be mine?"
1 -
"i need a boyfriend so please ask"
1 -
"wow,howd you know?"