Batman's Cave
Thread Topic: Batman's Cave
I have awaken
I wan Reese's Puffs
I'm going back to Cardiff, for the summer.
wait are you from England
Yes. Southwest of Great Britain, that small little country, Wales.
ohmygod1!!1!11 another British person1!!11!!1!
back to Cardiff? So that means you don't actually live in wales?? -
My accent is going to be thick when I come back to America.
Sorry late post)
Lancashire, Cardiff is the capital of Wales, and Wales is it's own country, but it's partly still in Britain because of the alliance. -
So you live in America?
Yes, but when I go back to Cardiff, I might be living there again.
no offence but the british are ass holes.
Snowy, I don't take offense. I'm Welsh ^^
Hey I'm British and I'm not an ass hole so kill yourself f--- tard- oh wait - still not an a--hole!!!
( That was a joke XD you're a lovely person) -
LYLE *huggles*
Snowy: If you want it in Welsh, here ya go:
Doeddwn i ddim yn ei chael yn drosedd, dwi'n Cymraeg, Snowy .
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