Cody's Thread
Thread Topic: Cody's Thread
Wow! I like the lyrics especially the chorus you should become a music producer
Thanks. Who knows, maybe I'll write music and things along with being a medical assistant.
Demon: sorry, been here all this time. Haveny forgotten he rp/soap to let you know.
*looks At woalf* -
And i'll be the random person saying; "Hey isn't that Coco's lyrics?"
Hmm Allan needs to come on soon
Kuala: haha.
? -
Allan is my RL friend he just made an account today :3 you would get along with him.
Yurp. Am making a board game for math right now XD
Sounds fun.
I'll be back in a bit am hungry.
Ok. I'll be here likely or eating and on here
Whispers in the daek
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