Cody's Thread
Thread Topic: Cody's Thread
Yes, it is.
I'm confused XD
Okay. -
You confused meeee xc
You broke your glasses?
You know buying glasses is a lot of money, cody-chan! T ^ T -
Too much confusing here.
They broke when the eye piece came off. Yes.
I know that. -
Did you accidently break them?
They broke while I was cleaning them. Yes, I did.
Oh, mkay.
Wellp, i have to practice for volleyball x - x
Ill ttyl ^^ -
Okay, may it go well.
Will do. I'll be here still, more than likely. Unless I'm watching more Mirai Nikki again or napping. -
Chelsea Smile
Youthful accomplice!
How art thou?
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