Cody's Thread
Thread Topic: Cody's Thread
Koala! *hug tackles*
*falls* Coco! What was that for? *hugs*
XD I don't know. Lets see...I'm now talking to two of my favorite people from this site so why not? (probably easy to guess the other, no?)
Three now* not two.
Aww ^-^
Thanks Cocomon
Cookie and hmm, maybe Jinx? :3 -
And yes, you have got the other two correct ^^
If I was talking to Andi as well, the top four would be the ones then XD -
Aye! X3
I just realized I haven't actually talked to Cookie :o
CookiexCoco -
What? XD
You've not?
^~^ -
We are your top four favorite peeps XD
No not really... we both use a lot of faces in our texting tho X3 -
Yeah XD Why wouldn't you four be? Main ones I talk to, no?
Both do, yeah. I see though. -
True, true ^^
How are you?
We maybe should, hmm one day ^o^ -
Mhm ^^
Me? I'm great! ^^ You?
You two should. -
I am good too! >:] hmm *shoots tickle powers at you* XD
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