Cody's Thread
Thread Topic: Cody's Thread
Coco: No one does not simply forget.
Nari: ARE YOU TWO GOING OUT? No one told meh my ship sailed ;-; -
Koala: Amnesia. Just hide memories of me far back in the mind then
Wut .-. Not yet
Yo, Coco I just read the story ;-;
Plese I need more, it's so good.And no I will not.
Nari: Ohhhh, please do -
whyyy? Doesn't he have a crush? -
Koala: like it? Why the ;-;?
I'll work on chapter 2 tonight and tomorrow. Okay then. -
YES. ON YOU. Sheesh. We already know this people :\
Coco: Cause it's good. You are brilliant ;-;
Yay! -
Thanks. I am not brilliant though.
Yay! -
Yes you are -.-
I'm a fan XD -
Which kind? Metal one or a plastic one? -
You can write your own music and write stories ;-; and do more
Metal XD -
That does not mean brilliant. Anybody can do those things.
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