My OFFICIAL thread
Thread Topic: My OFFICIAL thread
Not much... You?
*lays down* -
-sits on the floor- So... How are things?
To be honest, they could seriously be better.
What about you? -
I feel the exact same way. Really, right now it ain't that great. :/
Do you want to takl about it?
Sure... Why not.
Alright. I'm here for you.
Thanks. ^w^ Real nice to hear that. So... We going to make a new thread, or... Just stay here?
Of course, I'm always ready to listen and help.
We can do what ever you want. -
Well... I don't care which... I guess you can make a new thread... Then we can go there... So we can keep this positive here... Sorta...Yeah... ((I really don't know...))
((Alright I'll make a thread))
((Sounds good. ))
Me too
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