My OFFICIAL thread
Thread Topic: My OFFICIAL thread
As long as it's not tortuous then it's good.
Tails_Doll NewbieHeLlO AlEx I wAs MaSkY,PhAnToM,MaSkY,AnD lOnE WoLf.
Yeah, I guess.
aND wHy aRE yOu tyPiNg lIke mE? -
Tails_Doll NewbieI aM tAiLs DoLl. I tYpE LiKe ThIs.
Yeah, anything new?
... okAY
Chatisma NewbieWhat are you doing up?
Nothing, really.
Who, me?
Alex, what's your favorite tv show?
Samntha NewbieI'm just so happy!!!
Chatisma NewbieBoth of you
I don't really watch normal TV but if Star Trek Voyager counts, then that.
How come?
I'm up late almost all the time, why do you ask? -
I'm happy too.
I'm currently really happy cause I now have the best best friend in the world.
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