Thread Topic: IT MUST BE DONE
Hello, cheesey bread. Mind if I call you cheese for right now?
You can call me anything~
K hoe
Heck off xD
How are you, fren? -
I'm good I guess
Im trying to decide on what Gunpla I should get next to add to my collection -
Oh? What's that?
They're models of mechas from the Gundam anime series
you build them yourself~ -
Ooh, that sounds interesting
What kinds have you made? -
Tryon 3
Winged Gundam honoo
Full Cloth Crossbone Gundam
Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina
those are all my big ones
I have 3 chibi ones -
!! Those look really cool!
I really like the last one!
I'd love to see those, if you'd like to show me~ -
K, just gimme a sec
Gundam Knight Chibi
Military Gundam Chibi
Samurai Gundam Chibi -
Those are so cute, fren!
The first one didn't work, but the rest are rad. -
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