Thread Topic: IT MUST BE DONE
Yes, Shido. But I don't know if it's anything that major. XD
She actually wanted to be a princess. In the first episode, her father was killed in front of her and she was forced to run away from the castle to avoid being killed. She was in a depression state for 2-3 episodes after that. She only tried to become stronger so she could eventually take back the kingdom. So still somewhat a cliche, but yeah.
Wah... I went into explaination mode again... -
lets think about some non-cliche character. .3.
Yeah... Let our thinking progress!
But I would still love to be able to do this with a bow. I envy Yona's skill with a bow:
You remind me a bit of Jae-ha from Akatsuki no Yona, absol. -
Ryner - legend of the legendary heroes
i always liked this guy since he seemed a bit more different thanmost anime characters. (to a certain point) -
Wow, people really want you to post a picture of yourself. XD
Ryner is awesome.
The only problem with characters like him though, is that they have those moments where they are really overpowered. -
XD haha, wait and see what i do. X3
whys that? .3.
i could see why. that chick looks rad with that bow. -
Not that I mind. Ryner is awesome while being "possessed" by the Alpha Stigma.
yeah, thats the only thing i didnt like about him. the typical "possessed by a demon" thing. :P
I am slightly worried now.
Many reasons. Half of it is because of pervertedness, but let's ignore those reasons. (Hahaha....)
Jae-ha's fighting style is something I can see you being skilled at. His personality is a bit more serious than yours, but certain parts of very similar.
Yeah, it was kind of overly done. But I liked how Ferris treated him exactly the same even after he was taken over. I liked how they made it so Ferris was trying to bring Ryner back, even though she was panicking.
I also found it kind of cool when Ryner was possessed. I also found it cool how when they found the child Alpha Stigma bearer, Ryner was calm as the child was going berserk because he understood.
I went off track a bit... Though, you're probably used to that by now. (Once again, hahaha.....) -
By the way, you look amazing. XD
jae-ha looks cool. that smug look on his face makes me like him already XD
oh, speaking of ferris, her character was halarious XD such a b----, but funny at the same time. XD
thank you. its not easy maintaining this beauty...~ -
He's in my top three favourite characters in the show/manga. :3
I mean, look at his fabulous spin:
To put it simply, Ferris was awesome. XD
I loved her character, mostly for the reasons you stated.
I see. Make sure to continue to keep it up. -
maybe one day i'll be the most beautiful chifidog... ;w; -
We all wish we could do a spin that amazing. You might be able to, though. Since you're closer to his character than I am. :3
I'm sure it will happen... *dramatic pause* someday.
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