- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:14pm
Thread Topic: heeeey
I'm a zombie...seriously i am the walking dead lol
Pft I never was alive SO THERE.
When I was a baby, I was born not breathing for a whole 5min.:3
I also had a shattered hip and broken collarbone. SO HA!
Master of death is me, I conquered death..
Plus they never told me how they brought me back...
e.e -
im obrde
seriously heph?
me oot hutner
Hiya Hunter.:3
Yep Jack, I was dead for a whole 5 minutes. Don't know how the fuk they brought me back or why.lol -
wow thats heavy
Wonder if I'm not even alive....if this is just a dream in the otherworld.
*pinches self hard*
Nope it's real.xD -
xD well at least you're healthy now
I've developped a heart that stops and goes whenever it pleases (yet im not dead), im immunocompromised, and i'm allergic to everything. literally. everything but the air. -
@heph lol i hope its real... or i'm really wasting my afterlife at school :)
@carri im sowwy carri :) -
thank you jack Dx
*eats cookie* -
*Finds needle with liquid in it*ooooo wuts this hep?*Inject's self*ouch
*steals Jack's cookie*
*noms cookie*
I hope it's real to....
Ting, still wondering how and why the fuk I'm alive....
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