This is my thread
Thread Topic: This is my thread
Troll-i bet you do too ;D
Tiye-hey, how are you doing? -
I have 3 electives in middle school.;
Tiye-awesome. Can you tell me?
Troll-what do you look like? - she a 90 degree angle...or a 45 degree angle??? *ANGEL.
Troll-i need more details.
Letsbefriends-i was waiting for him to catch that. XD -
XD let's be friends.
L.b.f- I have a question
Tell you what?
I'm doing crappy like always you? -
I'm acute, you're obtuse :)
Tiye-your electives.
Sg-interesting. -
Meep- Corny, I know :PPP
If you where a Pokemon I pikicu you.
Art,(and a bit of computer applications swing over) drama gym and I use to have technology -
Sg-it was alright.
Tiye-wow. Coolio.
I'm gonna use bad pickuplines on no one for fun
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