This is my thread
Thread Topic: This is my thread
vance joy is
omg he just has a heavenly voice -
YAY! SCHOOL NEXT MONTH!!!!!XD btw i made a shoutout quiz lizy your in it. SCHOOL!!!!!!
Stop going on about school, we know you like it.
well its fun! XD
I only miss my friends, if there was no homework in school, I would enjoy it more.
That's the point of school XD work -
i like the homework,then i have something to do at home,i dont miss my friends cuz i dont have any....... ^-^
Yeah, but it sucks.
That's good, actually. It's good to focus on your work.
I KNOW, but it isn't all that bad, honestly. -
We get about 10 pieces a week.
hey lizy:do my quiz please,youre first on it ya know. :3
You forgot me.
Pieces? Like packets of paper or paper sheets?
I took it :3
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