Warrior soap
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:14pm
Thread Topic: Warrior soap
eilloh JuniorEbonykit opened her eyes real wide and mewed innocently,"Hollyleaf they won't let me play!"
"Let you play what?"said the voice of a irritated cat.
Silverkit arched her back and pounced on Ebonykit.
"Forestkit!Help me!"Ebonykit mewed patheticlly.
However Forestkit saw the malice that laced her eyes.
She turned back around to bump into her mother Hollyleaf.
Stripekit licked her pelt nervously, and Yarnkit growled.
Shadowkit blinked at Hollyleaf. -
eilloh Junior"What is going on?"Hollyleaf mewed to Ebonykit.
"They won't let me play!"Ebonykit wailed.
"Forestkit is this true?"Hollyleaf mewed sternly to her.
"I wasn't here when it happene..
"Silverkit get off Ebonykit!"Mewed Moonlight's voice.
Silverkit obliged and padded to her mother.
"You three, to the nest,NOW."Moonlight mewed to to Silverkit,Flamekit and Willowkit.
......When the 5 cats left Ebonykit mewed."I told you to let me be leader."
Forestkit cuffed her on the eae for that. -
eilloh JuniorForestkit flicked her tail,barely a twitch,and padded behind the nursery.
Ebonykit followed.
"Foxheart!"Forestkit mewed angry."You are absolutely cold!Your worse than Tigerstar!"
Ebonykit stared coldly and yowled,"So be it."then tackled her sister.
Forestkit blocked the blow. -
eilloh JuniorBumpeth
Yarnkit looked at Daisy, who had come out of her den.
"Kits, time to go to sleep." -
After doing the chores Leafpool asigned her, lilpaw walked over to the nursery. She loved spending time with the kits.
Yarnkit saw lilypaw and said "HI LILYPAW"
He got pawed in the nose by his jet black brother, shadowkit.
Stripekit smiled. -
eilloh Junior"You fear me!"Ebonykit snarled and lunged again.
Forestkit dodged and replied,"No,I pity you."
She padded from the back of the nursery and by her mother's side. -
"Hello Yamkit, Shadowkit, Stripekit. How are you all?" Lilypaw asked.
(yamkit!LOL, epic typo.xD)
Yarnkit purred "I'm great"
Stripekit meowed "Fine"
Shadowkit snorted, and stared. -
eilloh JuniorForestkit glared her eyes at Lillypaw.
The she-cat was Leafpool's aprentice and Leafpool was elderly.The medicine cat had reached 9 lifetimes.
Now Forestkit would have to be a warrior.
She scoffed and padded past Lillypaw.
"Lillypaw!"Silverkit mewed excited.
Gtg -
(Bye eilloh)
"Shadowkit? Is something wrong?" Lilypaw asked, flicking her tail. -
Shadowkit snorted again "Nothing...Nothing at all"
"Are you sure about that? It seems something is up." Lilypaw said suspiciously.
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